Press Release 19/09/2023 | Partit ABBA | euro pride march Malta
After 2.5 milion Euro of our tax money was spent over 10 days of the so-called Europride parades and shows in Malta, ABBA Party is organising a national protest entitled “Leave our kids alone!” on Independence day, this coming Thursday.
Secretary general Simon Elmer stated: “The Europride event cost E2.5 million of our tax money - that is E250,000 a day, every day - and many events were simply cancelled! Most of the remaining events were very poorly attended with audiences often between 30-100 people. Where did a quarter of a million euro a day of our money go and on what was it spent, exactly?” Tania Gauci, who was refused entry to one show where a drag quuen read stories to very young children stated: “This show worried us a lot. If no harm on children was being conducted, why would MGRM discriminate against us, refuse us tickets and stop us from going in to check that no grooming of children and/or illegal conversion therapy was going on?” Ivan Grech Mintoff: “As time goes by, more parents are voicing grave concerns regarding the gender indoctrination that is being taught illegally in our schools against the parent’s wishes, beliefs and without their prior consent. They are seeing abnormal behavour in their children and want to step in to defend the rights of the parents and their children’s rights too. Even the gay community itself is, in its majority, against what is happening to these children in our schools. It really has to stop, right now. Everyone who is concerned about what is happening must join us on Thursday and make a propoer stand for the sake our all of our children.” Speeches will start at 4:30 pm. Speakers will represent various groups and sections of our society who are all against the abuse of our children in such an open manner.
Stqarrija 19/09/2023 | Partit ABBA | euro pride march Malta
Wara li 2.5 miljun Ewro mit-taxxi tagħna intefqu fuq 10 ijiem ghal hekk imsejħa parati u wirjiet tal-Europride f’Malta, il-partit ABBA qed jorganizza protesta nazzjonali bit-titlu “Leave our kids alone!” f’Jum l-Indipendenza, nar il-Ħamis li ġej quddiem il-Parlament fl-4:30pm.
Is-Segretarju Ġenerali Simon Elmer stqarr: “Europride swielna 2.5 miljun Ewro mit-taxxa tagħna, jiġifieri 250,000 Ewro kuljum, kuljum għal 10 ijiem sħaħ. ħafna shows ġew sempliċement ikkanċellati! Il-biċċa l-kbira tax-shows li saru, attendewhom ftit nies wisq, b'udjenzi ta' spiss bejn 30 u 100 ruħ biss. Fejn marru, eżattament, kwart ta’ miljun ewro kuljum mil-flus tagħna u fuq xiex intefqu?”
Tania Gauci, li ġiet irrifjutata d-dħul għal show fejn drag queen kellha taqra xi stejjer lil tfal żgħar ħafna, stqarret: “Dan l-ispettaklu inkwetana ħafna. Kieku ma kienet qed issir ebda ħsara lit-tfal, għaliex l-MGRM iddiskriminat kontrina, irrifjutatna l-biljetti u waqqfitna milli nidħlu biex kemm naraw li ma kienx għaddej l-ebda grooming tat-tfal u/jew terapija ta’ konverżjoni illegali?”
Ivan Grech Mintoff: “Iktar ma jgħaddi ż-żmien, aktar ġenituri qed jesprimu tħassib serju dwar l-indottrinament tal-ġeneri li qed jiġi mgħallem illegalment fl-iskejjel tagħna kontra x-xewqat, it-twemmin tal-ġenituri u mingħajr il-kunsens tagħhom minn qabel. Qed jaraw imġieba anormali f’uliedhom u jridu jidħlu biex jiddefendu d-drittijiet tal-ġenituri u d-drittijiet tat-tfal tagħhom ukoll. Anke l-komunita omosesswali nnifisha hija, fil-maġġoranza tagħha, kontra dak li qed jiġri lil dawn it-tfal fl-iskejjel tagħna. Dan l-abbuz serju verament irid jieqaf, minnifih.
Kull min hu mħasseb dwar dak li qed jiġri, għandu bla biża jingħaqad magħna nhar il-Ħamis u jagħmel stand xierqa u effettiva kontra dan l-abuz f’isem wliedna lkoll.”
Id-diskorsi se jibdew fl-4:30 pm. Il-kelliema se jirrappreżentaw diversi gruppi u sezzjonijiet tas-soċjetà tagħna li huma kollha kontra l-abbuż ta’ uliedna b’tali mod miftuħ.
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