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TVM News | Abortion | Partit ABBA condemned the amendments announced by the Government on Saturday, adding that the current legislation protects the life of the mother in every situation.

TVM News | ECPM | Partit ABBA becomes full member in ECPM the European Christian Political Movement on 16 June 2023

Partit ABBA fuq TVM dwar proposta għal akkomodazzjoni soċjali

Ivan Grech Mintoff fuq Jien Nistaqsi - Smash TV

Ivan Grech Mintoff kien intervistat fuq Jien Nistaqsi - smash TV fl-14/02/2022. Ivan Grech Mintoff jaqsam l-iskop u l-interessi tal-partit u jespandi fuq il-kwistjonijiet attwali.

TVM jirrapporta dwar l-avveniment ARISE MALTA.

TVM - jirrapporta dwar l-attività ARISE MALTA li saret fil-Belt Valletta fis-6 ta’ Frar 2022.

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